Explore RedKite's Broad Range Of Services
RedKite's directors have experience spanning multiple domains - from creating AI/SAAS based products through to building a successful team culture. Above all, our friendly and informal approach seeks to build a long term supportive relationship.
Core Business Management
For new businesses or those with inexperienced founders, we conduct a high level review of structure and management and provide advice as to issues they may face and how to mitigate
Business Model Review
A deep-dive into a company’s business model and provide guidance and recommendations around threats and opportunities
Financial Model Review
Review pricing and cashflow predictions and provide honest assessment as to risk/reward ratio, investment strategies and hiring plans
Product Design & Market Fit
Review the core product offering and provide guidance and recommendations regarding potential issues or additional areas of application
Company Scaling
Review growth strategy and provide guidance and recommendations on hiring, cost-management, global expansion and business model evolution
Building A Creative Culture
Understand how to incentivise a cross-functional team to ensure innovation stays at the heart of each business
Practical Human Resourcing
Review procedures and policies for effective people management, recruitment and retention
Effective Compensation Schemes
Understanding compensation structure across different functions (sales v product) and aligning to create engagement across the entire team
Sales Strategies
Review sales team structure, management, and compensation schemes. Review Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation and other supporting processes/procedures
Marketing Strategies
Review go-to-market approaches for SME’s core products. Provide advice as to how to differentiate from competition and be visible in a competitive global market through exceptional pitching
Investment & Exit Strategies
Review long term plans for the business, advise on structures, policies and governance that needs to be put in place many years before a potential sale
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